
Verb in



believe IN ...

  • Do you believe in God? (= Do you believe that God exists?)
  • believe in saying what I think. (= I believe it is right to say what I think)


but  believe something (= believe it is true), believe somebody (= believe they are telling the truth)

  • The story can't be true. I don't believe it. (not believe in it)



specialise IN ...

  • Helen is a lawyer. She specialises in company law.



succeed IN ...

  • I hope you succeed in finding the job you want.




Verb into



break INTO ...
  • Our house was broken into a few days ago, but nothing was stolen.



crash / drive / bump / run INTO ...
  • He lost control of the car and crashed into a wall.



divide / cut / split something INTO two or more parts
  • The book is divided into three parts.



translate a book etc. FROM one language INTO another
  • She's a famous writer. Her books have been translated into many languages.




Verb with



collide WITH ...
  • There was an accident this morning. A bus collided with a car.



fill something WITH ... (but  full of ... - see Unit 131 B)
  • Take this saucepan and fill it with water.



provide / supply somebody WITH ...
  • The school provides all its students with books.




Verb to



happen TO ...
  • What happened to that gold watch you used to have? (= where is it now?)



invite somebody TO a party / a wedding etc.
  • They only invited a few people to their wedding.



prefer one thing/person TO another
  • prefer tea to coffee.




Verb on



concentrate ON ...
  • I tried to concentrate on my work, but I kept thinking about other things.



insist ON ...
  • I wanted to go alone, but some friends of mine insisted on coming with me.



spend (money) ON ...
  • How much do you spend on food each week?









bump :




bump : 부딪히다 / 부딪힘

  • bump into somebody/something  In the dark I bumped into a chair.
  • bump against somebody/something  The car bumped against the kerb. (연석)
  • bump something (against/on something)  Be careful not to bump your head on the beam when you stand up.




split :




split : 쪼개다(찢다)

(참고) 태풍 혹은 암초에 의해 배가 부서진 것을 묘사하다가 등장한 단어라고 한다.

  • split something  He was a member of the team that split the atom in 1932. (원자를 쪼개다)
  • Split the coconut in half.
  • split something into something  She split the class into groups of four.
  • Each chapter is split into two parts.
  • split into something  The results split neatly into two groups.
  • Slate splits easily into thin sheets.
  • If the nail you use is too big, there's a chance that the wood will split. (손톱, 발톱, / 못 박다)
  • Identical twins come from a single fertilized egg that splits in two. (일란성 쌍둥이, identical : 똑같은) (fertilize : 수정시키다)


  • split something with somebody  She split the money she won with her brother.
  • split something The two men agreed to split the proceeds. (proceed : 진행하다. proceeds : 수익금)
  • We share a house and split all the bills.
  • split something between A and B  His time is split between the London and Paris offices.


  • split on/over something  The committee split over government subsidies. (subsidy : 보조금) / (subsidiary : 보조의 , 자회사)  // 위원회는 정부 보조금을 두고 의견이 쪼개졌다.
  • split something  His candidacy split the Republican vote. (candidacy : 입후보)
  • split from something  The sect split from the Mormon church more than a hundred years ago. (sect : 종파)
  • be split on/over something  The party is deeply split on this issue.
  • The poll found the public evenly split on the issue. (poll : 여론조사, 투표, 득표 -> 모두 표를 얻는다는 뜻임)
  • The community was split down the middle on this. (community : 공동체, 공동체 의식)


  • split something  Don't tell me you've split another pair of pants!  // 여기서부터는 '찢다'(=tear)의 의미
  • split open  The cushion split open and sent feathers everywhere.
  • split something open  He split the packet open and poured out a handful of peanuts. (한 움큼의 땅콩)




 slate :





provide :




provide : pro(=before) + vide(=look) 지원하다(제공하다)

부족한 것을 예측해서 잘 준비시킨다는 뉘앙스다.

  • provide something  Please provide the following information.
  • The exhibition provides an opportunity for local artists to show their work.
  • She did not provide any evidence to substantiate the claims. (입증하다)
  • The hospital has a commitment to provide the best possible medical care. (여기서는 약속으로 해석됨, 아래 commit 참고)
  • Please answer questions in the space provided.
  • Refreshments will be provided. (Refreshments : drinks and small amounts of food)
  • provide something for somebody  We are here to provide a service for the public.
  • provide somebody with something  We are here to provide the public with a service
  • He provided us with a lot of useful information.
  • provide something to somebody  We provide financial support to low-income families.




※ commit :





commit : com(=with) + mit(=send) 맡기다, 위탁하다



1. crime 

(나쁜 짓을) 맡기다 (자신에게, 자신의 손에) -> 범하다(저지르다)

  • to commit a crime/an offence
  • to commit murder/fraud/adultery  (fraud : 사기, 사기꾼) (adultery : 간통)
  • to commit an act of violence/terrorism
  • to commit an error/a sin
  • appalling crimes committed against innocent children
  • Most crimes are committed by young men.
  • The men are being held on suspicion of conspiracy to commit armed robbery.
  • Her father had committed suicide.



2. promise / say definitely / make a decision

자신을 맡기다 (어떤 일에)-> 약속하다, 결정하다


commit somebody/yourself (to ~ing)

  • They want to see the text of the proposed treaty before fully committing themselves
  • I've committed myself to a meeting on Thursday. = I'm committed to a meeting on Thursday. [=I have said that I will definitely go to a meeting on Thursday]
  • The contract commits the company to finishing the bridge by next fall.


  • commit somebody/yourself to something  Making an application does not commit you to anything.
  • commit somebody/yourself to doing something  Borrowers should think carefully before committing themselves to taking out a loan.
  • commit somebody/yourself to do something  Both sides committed themselves to settle the dispute peacefully. (dispute : 분쟁, 분쟁하다)
  • commit yourself (to something)  You don't have to commit yourself now—just think about it.


  • He won't commit himself to a long-term relationship.
  • Many local officials have not yet committed themselves to a presidential candidate. (지지 의사를 밝히지 않다)
  • They are committing themselves to the pursuit of truth. (pursuit : 추구, 추적)



3. money / time

(돈, 시간을) 맡기다, 위탁하다

  • The council has committed large amounts of money to housing projects.
  • The University committed substantial funds to assisting mature students.



4. to hospital / prison

(병원, 감옥에) 맡기다, 위탁하다 -> 수감하다, 수용하다

  • commit somebody to something  She was committed to a state mental hospital.



5. somebody for trial

(재판에) 맡기다, 위탁하다 -> 재판에 회부하다

  • commit somebody  The attackers were committed for trial at Bristol Crown Court.



6. something to memory

(기억에) 맡기다, 위탁하다 -> 잘 기억해 두다

  • commit something to memory  She committed the instructions to memory.



7. something to paper / writing

(종이에) 맡기다, 위탁하다 -> 적어두다

  • commit something to paper/writing  She committed her thoughts to writing.








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