A     (영국식)

You can use should after:


   insist    recommend    suggest    demand    propose   
  • insisted that he should apologise.
  • Doctors recommend that everyone should eat plenty of fruit.
  • What do you suggest we should do?
  • Many people are demanding that something should be done about the problem.

It's important/vital/necessary/essential that ... should ... :

  • It's essential that everyone should be here on time.



   B     (미국식)

You can also leave out should in the sentences in section A. So you can say:

  • It's essential that everyone be here on time. (= ... that everyone should be here)
  • insisted that he apologise. (= ... that he should apologise)
  • What do you suggest we do?
  • Many people are demanding that something be done about the problem.


This form (be/do/apologise etc.) is called the subjunctive. It is the same as the infinitive (without to). You can also use normal present and past tenses: (중요한 문서나 공식적인 상황에서는 사용하지 말 것!)

  • It's essential that everyone is here on time.
  • insisted that he apologised.




After suggest, you cannot use to ... (not  'to do / to buy' etc.). You can say:

  • What do you suggest we should door
    What do you suggest we do? (but not  What do you suggest us to do?)
  • Jane won the lottery.
         I suggested that she should buy a car with the money she'd won.
    or  I suggested that she buy a car.
    or  I suggested that she bought a car. (but not  I suggested her to buy)


You can also use -ing after suggest (What do you suggest doing?). See Unit 53.



   D     (영국식)

You can use should after a number of adjectives, especially:


   strange   odd   funny   typical   natural   interesting   surprised   surprising   
  • It's strange that he should be late. He's usually on time.  /  (미국식) It’s strange that he is late.
  • I was surprised that he should say such a thing.  /  (미국식) I was surprised that he said such a thing.




You can say 'If something should happen ... '. For example:

  • We have no jobs at present, but if the situation should change, we will contact you.


You can also begin with should (Should something happen ... ):

  • Should the situation change, we will contact you.


This means the same as 'If the situation changes, ... '. With should, the speaker feels that the possibility is smaller.




You can use I should ... /  I shouldn't ... to give somebody advice. For example:

  • 'Shall I leave now?' 'No, I should wait a bit.'


Here, I should wait = I would wait if I were you, I advise you to wait.



More examples:

  • ‘I'm going out now. Is it cold out?’  ‘Yes, I should wear a coat.’
  • I shouldn't stay up too late. You have to be up early tomorrow.




영어의 가정법(subjunctive)은 주로 다음과 같은 상황에서 사용됩니다:

  1. 소망이나 희망을 표현할 때:
    • "I wish I were taller." (내가 더 키가 컸으면 좋겠어.)
    • 여기서 "were"는 가정법 동사 형태로 사용됩니다.
  2. 비현실적인 상황을 가정할 때:
    • "If I were you, I would study more." (내가 너라면 더 공부할 텐데.)
    • "were"와 "would"를 사용하여 비현실적인 상황을 나타냅니다.
  3. 제안, 요구, 명령 등을 나타낼 때:
    • "I suggest that he study more." (그가 더 공부하도록 제안합니다.)
    • 여기서 "study"는 가정법 동사 형태로 사용됩니다.
  4. 필요성이나 중요성을 나타낼 때:
    • "It is essential that she be informed." (그녀가 통지받는 것이 필수적입니다.)
    • "be"는 가정법 동사 형태로 사용됩니다.

가정법은 주로 다음과 같은 구조를 따릅니다:

  • 현재 가정법: 주로 "be" 동사의 형태로 사용되며, 다른 동사들은 기본 형태를 사용합니다.
    • "It is important that he be here on time."
  • 과거 가정법: "were"를 사용하며, 이는 주어가 단수이든 복수이든 동일합니다.
    • "If I were rich, I would travel the world."

따라서, 가정법(subjunctive)은 사실이 아닌 가상의 상황, 희망, 의문, 조건 등을 나타내는 문법 구조로, 영어에서 중요한 역할을 합니다.




 (American English -> Appendix 7) 




After insist, demand etc. you can use should:
  • I insisted that he should apologise.
  • Many people are demanding that something should be done about the problem.

The subjunctive is normally used. Should is unusual after insist, demand etc. :
  • I insisted that he apologize.*
  • Many people are demanding that something be done about the problem.


* Many verbs ending in -ise in British English (apologise/organise/specialise etc.) are spelt with -ize (apologize/organize/specialize etc.) in American English.





insist :



recommend :



demand :






propose : 


propose something = suggest something

propose to somebody :  (ex.)  She proposed to me!

propose to do something

= intend to do something







subjunctive : 







'English Grammar in Use > Unit' 카테고리의 다른 글

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