
Verb of



accuse / suspect somebody OF ...

  • Sue accused me of being selfish.
  • Some students were suspected of cheating in the exam.



approve / disapprove OF ...

  • His parents don't approve of what he does, but they can't stop him.



die OF or FROM an illness etc.

  • 'What did he die of?'   'A heart attack.'



consist OF ...

  • We had an enormous meal. It consisted of seven courses.




Verb for



pay (somebody) FOR ...
  • I didn't have enough money to pay for the meal. (not pay the meal)



but  pay a bill / a fine / a fee / tax / rent / a sum of money etc. (no preposition)
  • I didn't have enough money to pay the rent.



thank / forgive somebody FOR ...
  • I'll never forgive them for what they did.



apologise (TO somebody) FOR ...
  • When I realised I was wrong, I apologised (to them) for my mistake.



blame somebody/something FOR ... , somebody is to blame FOR ...
  • Everybody blamed me for the accident.
  • Everybody said that I was to blame for the accident.



blame (a problem etc.) ON ...
  • The accident wasn't my fault. Don't blame it on me.




Verb from



suffer FROM an illness etc.
  • There's been an increase in the number of people suffering from heart disease.



protect somebody/something FROM
  • Sun block protects the skin from the sun.




Verb on



depend / rely ON ...
  • 'What time will you be home?' 'I don't know. It depends on the traffic.'
  • You can rely on Anna. She always keeps her promises.



You can use depend when/where/how etc. with or without on:
  • 'Are you going to buy it?'   'It depends how much it is.' (or It depends on how much)



live ON money/food
  • Michael's salary is very low. It isn't enough to live on.



congratulate / compliment somebody ON ...
  • congratulated her on doing so well in her exams.
  • The meal was really good. I complimented Mark on his cooking skills.









accuse : ac(=to) + cuse(=cause, reason, lawsuit), (잘못을) 지적하다

  • accuse somebody of something  to accuse somebody of murder/a crime
  • accuse somebody of doing something  She accused him of lying.
  • be accused of something  The government was accused of incompetence. (무능함)
  • to be falsely/wrongly/unjustly accused of something
  • (formal) They stand accused of crimes against humanity.


(참고) cause, accuse, excuse




 blame :




blame : 탓하다 (책임을 묻다)

  • blame somebody/something for something  She doesn't blame anyone for her father's death.
  • A dropped cigarette is being blamed for the fire.
  • Why is he blaming others for his problems?
  • blame somebody/something for doing something  You can't really blame them for not telling you.
  • blame somebody/something  It's easy to blame the media at times like this.
  • blame something on somebody/something  Police are blaming the accident on dangerous driving.
  • The violence was blamed in part on militants.




※ militant :



militant : milit(=soldier) + ant, 과격한 / 과격인사 (과격파, 과격한 인물)

  • Student militants were fighting with the police.
  • militant groups/leaders
  • Some trade unions have a more militant approach to pay negotiations.
  • Partly because of the militant feminist movement, women got the vote in 1918.








consist :




consist : con(=together) + sist(=stand), 구성되다

  • The committee consists of ten members.
  • The exhibition consists of a series of photographs that he took between 1915 and 1939.
  • Their diet consisted largely of vegetables.
  • to consist mainly/mostly of somebody/something
  • Their conversation consisted almost entirely of gossip.
  • a gas station that basically consists of two gas pumps and a vending machine
  • The ploughman's is a simple meal consisting of cheese, bread and pickles.
  • consist of doing something  The fieldwork consisted of counting the number of species in each section of the shoreline.




shoreline :





※ suffer :




suffer : 고통받다 (from)

to be badly affected by a disease, pain, sad feelings, a lack of something, etc.

  • I hate to see animals suffering.
  • The country has suffered greatly at the hands of its corrupt government.
  • suffer from something  to suffer from a disorder/a disease/an illness/a condition
  • patients suffering from depression/cancer
  • Increasing numbers of children are suffering from mental health problems.
  • The economy is still suffering badly from a lack of demand.
  • suffer with something  to suffer with depression/a cold
  • suffer for something  He made a rash decision and now he is suffering for it.
  • The lead actor had to suffer for his art by losing 10kg for the role.
  • Women continue to suffer in silence under the repressive regime.  // repress : 억누르다(억압하다)


suffer something : 겪다 (나쁜 일을)

to experience something unpleasant, such as injury, defeat or loss

  • to suffer a stroke/heart attack
  • Victims suffered severe injuries in the accident.
  • The company suffered huge losses in the last financial year.
  • Crops suffered serious damage as a result of the floods.
  • The party suffered a humiliating defeat in the general election.
  • His mother died young, and his sister suffered the same fate (= his sister also died young).




※ stroke :




  • He played some powerful backhand strokes throughout the game.
  • It was a stroke of luck that I found you here. (비유적 표현)


  • She took a few more strokes to reach the bank.
  • He swam with long powerful strokes.


  • to have/suffer a stroke (뇌졸중)
  • The stroke left him partly paralysed. (paralyse : 마비시키다)
  • Smoking increases the risk of stroke.




※ humiliate :




humiliate : hum(=low) + iliate, 모욕하다, 굴욕감을 주다

  • I didn't want to humiliate her in front of her colleagues.
  • I've never felt so humiliated.
  • How could I humiliate myself like that?
  • The party was humiliated in the recent elections.


humiliating : 모욕적인, 굴욕적인

humiliation : 모욕, 굴욕




※ humble :




humble : hum(=low), (상대적으로) 낮은 (낮추는, 겸손한)

  • Be humble enough to learn from your mistakes.
  • my humble tribute to this great man (tribute : 헌사, 헌물)
  • In my humble opinion, you were in the wrong.
  • a man of humble birth/origins
  • a humble occupation
  • the daughter of a humble shopkeeper // 보잘것없는 가게주인의 딸




※ colleague :



colleague : col(=together) + league, 동료




complement, compliment :



complete : 완전한 / 완전하게 하다

complement : 보완물 / 보완하다

compliment : 칭찬 / 칭찬하다




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