
Study this example situation:


Last year Paul and Sarah had a holiday by the sea. It rained a lot, but they enjoyed it.


You can say:
Although it rained a lot, they enjoyed it.

(= It rained a lot, but they ... )
In spite of the rain, they enjoyed it.
(= Despite the rain, they enjoyed it.)




After although we use subject verb:

  • Although it rained a lot, we enjoyed our holiday.
  • I didn't get the job although I had the necessary qualifications.


Compare the meaning of although and because:

  • We went out although it was raining heavily.
  • We didn't go out because it was raining heavily.




After in spite of or despite, we use noun, a pronoun (this/that/what etc.) or -ing:

  • In spite of the rain, we enjoyed our holiday.
  • I didn't get the job in spite of having the necessary qualifications.
  • She wasn't well, but in spite of this she continued working.
  • In spite of what I said yesterday, I still love you.


Despite is the same as in spite of. We say in spite of, but despite (without of):

  • She wasn't well, but despite this she continued working. (not despite of this)


You can say in spite of the fact (that) ... and despite the fact (that) ... :

  • I didn't get the job in spite of the fact (that) I had the necessary qualifications.
  • I didn't get the job despite the fact (that) I had the necessary qualifications.


Compare in spite of and because of:

  • We went out in spite of the rain. (or ... despite the rain.)
  • We didn't go out because of the rain.




Compare although and in spite of / despite:

  • Although the traffic was bad, we arrived on time. (not In spite of the traffic was bad)
    In spite of the traffic, we arrived on time. (not In spite of the traffic was bad)
  • I couldn't sleep although I was very tired. (not despite I was tired)
    I couldn't sleep despite being very tired.




Though is the same as although:

  • I didn't get the job though I had the necessary qualifications.


In spoken English we often use though at the end of a sentence:

  • The house isn't so nice. I like the garden though. (= but I like the garden)
  • I see them every day. I've never spoken to them though. (= but I've never spoken to them)


Even though (but not 'even' alone) is a stronger form of although:

  • Even though I was really tired, I couldn't sleep. (not Even I was really tired ... )







quality : 질(자질, 품질, 양질)

  • Improving the quality of care for nursing home residents is a priority.
  • When costs are cut product quality suffers.
  • of… quality // The soil here is of poor quality.
  • The food is fresh and of good quality.
  • His goal was of top quality.
  • goods of a high quality
  • high-quality goods
  • in quality // a decline in water quality
  • We have seen a marked improvement in the quality of service provided.


  • We aim to provide quality at reasonable prices. (여기서 quality 는 high-quality 즉 양질을 의미함)
  • They need to decrease costs while maintaining quality. (maintaining high-quality)
  •  of quality // contemporary writers of quality (writers of high-quality)


  • personal qualities such as honesty and generosity (여기서부터는 개인적인 자질을 의미함)
  • to have leadership qualities
  • She has all the qualities of a good teacher.
  • It's hard to find people with the right qualities for the job. (qualified people 이렇게 쓸 수 있을까?)
  • He has a lot of good qualities.




qualify, qualified




qualify : 자질(자격요건)을 갖추다. quali + fy(=do)

  • a qualified teacher/instructor/accountant/nurse/doctor
  • qualified staff/personnel
  • to be highly qualified
  • to be suitably/fully qualified
  • qualified for something She's extremely well qualified for the job.
  • qualified to do something I'm not qualified to teach in state schools.
  • How long does it take to qualify?
  • qualify as something He qualified as a doctor last year.
  • qualify in something She spent seven years qualifying in law.
  • qualify somebody for something This training course will qualify you for a better job.
  • qualify somebody to do something The test qualifies you to drive heavy vehicles.
  • qualify for something South Korea qualified for the finals when they beat Italy 6–1.
  • They qualified for the World Cup.
  • He failed to qualify.
  • to qualify, you must have lived in this country for at least three years.
  • qualify for something If you live in the area, you qualify for a parking permit.
  • In order to qualify for scholarships, students must demonstrate potential for academic excellence.
  • qualify somebody Your educational background, interests and family history are some of the things that might qualify you.
  • qualify somebody for something Paying a fee doesn't automatically qualify you for membership.








qualification : 자질(자격요건)을 갖춤(면허, 자격증, 자질갖춤 등을 의미)   

  • academic/educational/professional/vocational qualifications
  • a coaching/teaching/nursing qualification
  • He left school with no formal qualifications.
  • to have qualifications
  • to gain/get/obtain/possess/achieve qualifications
  • In this job, experience counts for more than paper qualifications.
  • qualification in something Too many school-leavers lack basic qualifications in English and Maths.
  • qualification for something Previous teaching experience is a necessary qualification for this job.




※ character




character : 인물, 인물됨(성격, 품성), (특정)유형(캐릭터) // 꼭 인물이 아니라 물건, 장소 등에도 쓸 수 있다. 일종의 의인화?

  • the main character in the film
  • a major/minor character in the book
  • Who plays the main character?
  • to have a strong/weak character
  • character traits
  • character defects
  • The book gives a fascinating insight into Mrs Obama's character.
  • Generosity is part of the American character.
  • Everyone admires her strength of character and determination.
  • He showed great character returning to the sport after his accident.
  • The character of the neighbourhood hasn't changed at all.
  • I love the delicate character of the light in the evening.
  • The police pointed out the illegal character of the protest action.
  • in character buildings that are very simple in character
  • The modern hotels here have no real character.
  • a face with a lot of character




※ property :



property : (고유한) 속성(특성) / 자산(소유물)      proper(=one's own) + ty








feature : 특색, 두드러진 것 (특징적인 것), 특집물(특집 기사, 특집 편성물), 이목구비 // 단어의 느낌을 우리말로 최대한 살려보려고 했는데, '특색'이 말이 되는지 모르겠음

  • An interesting feature of the city is the old market.
  • geographical features
  • Teamwork is a key feature of the training programme.
  • I've added some new features to my website.
  • new safety/security features
  • There are a number of special features included on the disc.
  • The main bonus feature on the DVD is a lengthy interview with the director.
  • The most distinctive feature of this track is the trumpet sound.
  • The one redeeming feature (= good thing about it) of the plan was its low cost.

// redeem : 만회하다(회복하다)

  • facial features
  • his strong handsome features
  • Her eyes are her most striking feature.




trait :




trait : 특성

  • personality traits
  • She shares several character traits with her father.
  • We do not know which behavioural traits are inherited and which acquired.
  • a collection of traits associated with schizophrenia(정신분열증)




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