
In each of these sentences there is an auxiliary verb and a main verb:


I have lost my keys.
She can't come to the party.
The hotel was built ten years ago.
Where do you live?


In these examples have/can't/was/do are auxiliary (= helping) verbs.



You can use an auxiliary verb when you don't want to repeat something:

  • 'Have you locked the door?'  'Yes, I have.' (= I have locked the door)
  • Gary wasn't working, but Laura was. (= Laura was working)
  • Jessica could lend me the money, but she won't. (= she won't lend me the money)

Use do/does/did for the present and past simple:

  • 'Do you like onions?'  'Yes, I do.' (= I like onions)
  • 'Does Simon live in London?'  'He did, but he doesn't any more.'

You can use auxiliary verbs to deny what somebody says (= say it is not true):

  • 'You're sitting in my place.'  'No, I'm not.' (= I'm not sitting in your place)
  • 'You didn't lock the door before you left.'  'Yes, I did.' (= I locked the door)




We use have you? / isn't she? / do they? etc. to show interest in what somebody has said, or to show surprise:

  • 'I've just seen Stephen.'  'Oh, have you? How is he?'
  • 'Lisa isn't very well today.'  'Oh, isn't she? What's wrong with her?'
  • 'It rained every day during our holiday.'  'Did it? What a shame!'
  • 'James and Tanya are getting married.'  'Are they? Really?'




We use auxiliary verbs with so and neither:

  • 'I'm tired.' 'So am I.' (= I'm tired too)
  • 'I never read newspapers.' 'Neither do I.' (= I never read newspapers either)
  • Sarah hasn't got a car and neither has Mark.


Note the word order after so and neither (verb before subject):

  • I passed the exam and so did Paul. (not so Paul did)


Instead of neither, you can use nor. You can also use not ... either:

  • 'I don't know.' 'Neither do I.'  or  'Nor do I.'  or  'I don't either.'




I think so / I hope so etc.



After some verbs we use so when we don't want to repeat something:

  • 'Are those people Korean?'  'I think so.' (= I think they are Korean)
  • 'Will you be at home this evening?'  'I expect so.' (= I expect I'll be at home ... )
  • 'Do you think Kate has been invited to the party?'  'I suppose so.'


In the same way we say: I hope soI guess so and I'm afraid so.



The usual negative forms are:


I think so / I expect so don't think so / don't expect so
I hope so / I'm afraid so / I guess so hope not / I'm afraid not / guess not
I suppose so don't suppose so  or  suppose not
  • 'Is that woman American?'  'I think so. / I don't think so.'
  • 'Do you think it will rain ?'  'I hope so. / I hope not.' (not I don't hope so)





 (American English -> Appendix 7) 



British speakers generally use Have you? / Isn't she? etc. :
  • A: Lisa isn't very well today.
    B: Isn't she? What's wrong with her?
American speakers generally use You have? / She isn't? etc. :
  • A: Lisa isn't very well today.
    B: She isn't? What's wrong with her?




auxiliary verb :



An auxiliary verb helps the main verbs and is also called a helping verb.

That action happened in the past or is happening in the present or will happen in the future.




a shame, shame, ashamed :



a shameshame


a shame :  (ex.)

  • What a shame they couldn't come.
  • What a shame that they lost the game.
  • It's a shame that you'll miss the show.


shame :  (ex.)

  • He felt shame for his lies.
  • His face burned with shame.
  • How could you be so rude? Have you no shame?
  • The king preferred death to the shame of defeat.


ashamed : feeling shame about somebody/something

  • ashamed of something She was deeply ashamed of her behaviour at the party.
  • Mental illness is nothing to be ashamed of.
  • We must stop being afraid or ashamed of what we are.
  • ashamed of somebody His daughter looked such a mess that he was ashamed of her.
  • ashamed of yourself You should be ashamed of yourself for telling such lies.
  • You ought to be thoroughly ashamed of yourselves. (thoroughly /ˈθɜːrəli/ 철저하게)  (thorough /ˈθɜːrəʊ/ 철저한)
  • ashamed that… I feel almost ashamed that I've been so lucky.
  • ashamed to be something The football riots made me ashamed to be English. (riot : 폭동)
  • You act as if you’re ashamed to be seen with me.


ashamed to do something

  • I'm ashamed to say that I lied to her.
  • I cried at the end and I'm not ashamed to admit it.
  • He felt ashamed to let her see him in this state.




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