
Asking people to do things (requests)



We use can or could to ask people to do things:

  • Can you wait a moment, please?  or

    Could you wait a moment, please?

  • Helen, can you do me a favour?
  • Excuse me, could you tell me how to get to the airport?

Note that we say Do you think you could ... ? (not can):

  • Do you think you could take me to the station?  (공손한 표현, can을 써도 크게 문제가 되진 않는다.)


We also use will and would to ask people to do things (but can/could are more usual):

  • Helen, will you do me a favour?
  • Would you please be quiet? I'm trying to concentrate.




Asking for things



To ask for something, we use Can I have ... ?Could I have ... ? or Can I get ... ?:

  • (in a shop)  Can I have these postcards, please?  or  Can I get these postcards, please?
  • (during a meal)  Could I have the salt, please?


May I have ... ? is also possible:

  • May I have these postcards, please?




Asking to do things



To ask to do something, we use cancould or may:

  • (on the phone)  Hello, can I speak to Steve, please?
  • 'Could I use your phone?' 'Sure.'
  • Do you think I could borrow your bike?
  • 'May I come in?' 'Yes, please do.'


May is more formal than can or could.



To ask to do something, you can also say Do you mind if I ... ? or Is it all right / Is it OK if I ... ?:

  • 'Do you mind if I use your phone?'  'Sure. Go ahead.'
  • 'Is it all right if I come in?'  'Yes, of course.'




Offering to do things



To offer to do something, we use Can I ... ?:

  • Can I get you a cup of coffee?’     ‘That would be nice.’
  • Can I help you ?’     ‘No, it's all right. I can manage.’




Offering and inviting



To offer or to invite, we use Would you like ... ? (not Do you like):

  • Would you like a cup of coffee?’     ‘Yes, please.’
  • Would you like to eat with us tonight?’     ‘I'd love to.’


I'd like ... is a polite way of saying what you want:

  • (at a tourist information office)  I'd like some information about hotels, please.
  • (in a shop)  I'd like to try on this jacket, please.




'English Grammar in Use > Unit' 카테고리의 다른 글

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036 : would  (0) 2021.10.16
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034 : should 2  (0) 2021.10.16

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