


in the rain / in the sun / in the shade / in the dark / in bad weather etc.

  • We sat in the shade. It was too hot to sit in the sun.
  • Don't go out in the rain. Wait until it stops.


(write) in ink / in pen / in pencil

  • When you do the exam, you're not allowed to write in pencil.

Also  (write) in words / in figures / in capital letters etc.

  • Please write your name in capital letters.
  • Write the story in your own words. (= don't copy somebody else)


(be/fall) in love (with somebody)

  • They're very happy together. They're in love.


in (my) opinion

  • In my opinion, the movie wasn't very good.






on TV / on television / on the radio
  • I didn't watch the news on television, but I heard it on the radio.


on the phone
  • I've never met her, but I've spoken to her on the phone a few times.


(be/go) on strike
  • There are no trains today. The drivers are on strike.


(be/go) on a diet
  • I've put on a lot of weight. I'll have to go on a diet.


(be) on fire
  • Look! That car is on fire.


on the whole (= in general)
  • Sometimes I have problems at work, but on the whole I enjoy my job.


on purpose (= intentionally)
  • I'm sorry. I didn't mean to annoy you. I didn't do it on purpose.




On holiday / on a trip etc.


We say: (be/go) on holiday / on business / on a trip / on a tour / on a cruise etc.
  • I'm going on holiday next week.
  • Emma's away on business at the moment.
  • One day I'd like to go on a world tour.


You can also say 'go to a place for a holiday / for my holiday(s)':
  • Steve has gone to France for a holiday.




At the age of ... etc.


We say at the age of 16 / at 120 miles an hour / at 100 degrees etc. :
  • Tracy left school at 16or  ... at the age of 16.
  • The train was travelling at 120 miles an hour.
  • Water boils at 100 degrees Celsius.







captain :




captain : cap + tain(=hold), 머리 위치를 잡은(맡은) 자

tain(=hold) 관련 어휘 : obtain, contain, container, retain 등등

  • The captain gave the order to abandon ship.
  • The captain of the plane was already announcing our arrival.
  • Her father had been a captain in the army.
  • She's a former captain of the English national team.




※ capital :





※ cape :



cape :

1. 곶 (바다로 돌출한 높은 땅, 반도보다는 작은 형태)

2. 망토 (목과 어깨에 두르는 a loose outer)




※ capture :



capture : cap(=take) + ture, 사로잡다(생포하다)

-> 죽이거나 파괴하지 않고 내 것으로 만드는 게 핵심 포인트임




※ capable, capability :




capable : cap(=take) + able(=can), 할 수 있는, 유능한 

  • capable of something You are capable of better work than this.
  • capable of doing something He's quite capable of lying to get out of trouble. (문제에서 벗어나기 위해 충분히 거짓말 할 수 있는)
  • I'm perfectly capable of doing it myself, thank you.
  • He is more than capable of playing at an international level.
  • He is still capable of doing the job.
  • She's a very capable teacher.
  • I'll leave the organization in your capable hands. (유능한 너의 양손에 이 조직을 넘기겠다?)
  • a highly capable individual




※ capacity :




capacity : cap(=take) + city, 용적, 능력(담을 수 있는 크기)

  • a fuel tank with a maximum capacity of 50 litres
  • The theatre has a seating capacity of 2 000.
  • a hard disk storage capacity of 1 000 gigabytes
  • large capacity disk drives
  • to capacity The hall was filled to capacity (= was completely full).
  • mental/intellectual capacity
  • capacity for something She has an enormous capacity for hard work.
  • capacity for doing something Limited resources are restricting our capacity for developing new products.
  • capacity to do something A habit becomes an addiction when it reduces your capacity to enjoy life.




strict :




strict : strict(= tighten, draw tight), 엄격한

  • strict rules/regulations  // regulation : reg(=rule) 규제
  • There are strict guidelines on how the work is to be carried out.
  • The head teacher imposed very strict discipline.
  • She's on a very strict diet.
  • He expected strict adherence to his rules.
  • a strict teacher/parent/disciplinarian
  • I had a very strict upbringing. (양육법)
  • strict about something She's very strict about things like homework.
  • strict with somebody They were always very strict with their children.




restrict :




restrict : re + strict  제한하다




add, addition, additional / addiction, addict, addicted, addictive / adhere, adherence :



ad(=to) -> add : 더하다. 


addition : add + ition (더함, 더해지는 것),

additional : (더하는, 더해지는)


addiction : add + iction (중독) 

addict : (중독자) / 강세 1음절에 주의

addicted : (중독된)

addictive : (중독성의)


adhere : ad(=to) + here (들러붙다)

adherence : (들러붙음)








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