
In general we use some (also somebody/someone/something) in positive sentences and any (also anybody etc.) in negative sentences:


some any
We bought some flowers. We didn't buy any flowers.
He's busy. He's got some work to do. He's lazy. He never does any work.
There's somebody at the door. There isn't anybody at the door.
I want something to eat. I don't want anything to eat.


We use any in the following sentences because the meaning is negative:

  • She went out without any money. (she didn't take any money with her)
  • He refused to eat anything. (he didn't eat anything)
  • It's a very easy exam. Hardly anybody fails. (= almost nobody fails)




We use both some and any in questions. We use some/somebody/something to talk about a person or thing that we know exists, or we think exists:

  • Are you waiting for somebody? (I think you are waiting for somebody)


We use some in questions when we offer or ask for things:

  • Would you like something to eat? (there is something to eat)
  • Can I have some sugar, please? (there is probably some sugar I can have)


But in most questions, we use any. We do not know if the thing or person exists:

  • 'Do you have any luggage?'  'No, I don't.'
  • I can't find my bag. Has anybody seen it?




We often use any after if:

  • If anyone has any questions, I'll be pleased to answer them.
  • Let me know if you need anything.


The following sentences have the idea of if:

  • I'm sorry for any trouble I've caused. (= if I have caused any trouble)
  • Anyone who wants to do the exam should tell me by Friday. (= if there is anyone)




We also use any with the meaning 'it doesn't matter which':

  • You can take any bus. They all go to the centre. (= it doesn't matter which bus you take)
  • 'Sing a song.'  'Which song shall I sing?'  'Any song. I don't mind.'  (= it doesn't matter which song)
  • Come and see me any time you want.


We use anybody/anyone/anything/anywhere in the same way:

  • We forgot to lock the door. Anybody could have come in.
  • 'Let's go out somewhere.' 'Where shall we go?'  'Anywhere. I just want to go out.'


Compare something and anything:

  • A: I'm hungry. I want something to eat.
    B: What would you like?
    A: I don't mind. Anything. (= it doesn't matter what)




Somebody/someone/anybody/anyone are singular words:

  • Someone is here to see you.


But we use they/them/their after these words:

  • Someone has forgotten their umbrella. (= his or her umbrella)
  • If anybody wants to leave early, they can. (= he or she can)




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