
You can say 'I wish you luck / all the best / a happy birthday' etc.:

  • I wish you all the best in the future.
  • I saw Mark before the exam and he wished me luck.


We say 'wish somebody something' (luck a happy birthday etc.). But you cannot say 'I wish that something happens'. We use hope in this situation. For example:

  • I'm sorry you're not well. I hope you feel better soon. (not I wish you feel)


Compare I wish and I hope:

  • I wish you a pleasant stay here.
  • I hope you have a pleasant stay here. (not I wish you have)




We also use wish to say that we regret something, that something is not as we would like it. When we use wish in this way, we use the past (knew/lived etc.), but the meaning is present:

  • wish knew what to do about the problem. (I don't know and I regret this)
  • wish you didn't have to go so soon. (you have to go)
  • Do you wish you lived near the sea? (you don't live near the sea)
  • Jack's going on a trip to Mexico soon. I wish was going too. (I'm not going)


To say that we regret something in the past, we use wish had ... (had known / had said) etc. :

  • wish I'd known about the party. I would have gone if I'd known. (I didn't know)
  • It was a stupid thing to say. I wish hadn't said it. (I said it)



For more examples, see Units 39 and 40.




I wish I could (do something) = I regret that I cannot do it:

  • I'm sorry I have to go. I wish could stay longer. (but I can't)
  • I've met that man before. I wish could remember his name. (but I can't)

I wish I could have (done something) = I regret that I could not do it:

  • I hear the party was great. I wish could have gone. (but I couldn't go)




You can say 'I wish something would happen'. For example:

It's been raining all day. Tanya doesn't like it. She says:


I wish it would stop raining.


Tanya would like the rain to stop, but this will probably not happen.



We use I wish ... would when we would like something to happen or change. Usually, the speaker doesn't expect this to happen.

We often use I wish ... would to complain about a situation:

  • The phone has been ringing for five minutes. I wish somebody would answer it.
  • I wish you'd do (= you would do) something instead of just sitting and doing nothing.

You can use I wish ... wouldn't to complain about things that people do repeatedly:

  • I wish you wouldn't keep interrupting me. (= please don't interrupt me)


We use I wish ... would ... to say that we want something to happen. But we do not use I wish ... would ... to say how we would like things to be. Compare:

  • wish Sarah would come. (= I want her to come)
    but  wish Sarah was (or were) here now. (not I wish Sarah would be)
  • wish somebody would buy me a car.
    but  wish had a car. (not I wish I would have)





wish to do something :



: (especially British English, formal) to want to do something; to want something to happen


즉, (Unit 41A)의 의미로 'wish to do something' 의 형태도 가능하다.

  • You may stay until morning, if you wish.
  • ‘I’d rather not talk now.’ ‘(Just) as you wish.’


  • wish to do something  This course is designed for people wishing to update their computer skills.
  • I wish to speak to the manager.
  • I don't wish (= I don't mean) to be rude, but could you be a little quieter?


  • wish somebody something  She could not believe that he wished her harm.
  • wish somebody/something to do something  He was not sure whether he wished her to stay or go.



(Unit 49C) 에 실린 예문 :

  • To whom do you wish to speak?




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