
We do not use will to say what somebody has already arranged or decided to do:

  • Diane is working next week. (not Diane will work)
  • Are you going to watch TV this evening? (not Will you watch)
    (For 'is working' and 'Are you going to ... ?', see Units 19-20.)



We use will to say what we know or believe about the future (not what someone has already decided). For example:

Kate has her driving test next week. Chris and Joe are talking about it.


CHRIS:   Do you think Kate will pass?
   JOE:   Yes, she's a good driver. she'll pass easily.


Joe believes that Kate will pass the driving test.

He is predicting the future.


When we predict a future happening or situationwe use will/won't.

Some more examples:

  • They've been away a long time. When they return, they'll find a lot of changes here.
  • ‘Where will you be this time next year?’ ‘I'll be in Japan.’
  • That plate is hot. If you touch it, you'll burn yourself.
  • Tom won't pass the exam. He hasn't studied hard enough.
  • Anna looks completely different now. You won't recognise her.
  • When will you get your exam results?




  • I think James is going to the party on Friday. (= I think he has already decided to go)
  • I think James will go to the party on Friday. (= I think he will decide to go)




We often use will ('ll) with:


probably I'll probably be home late tonight. (댓글 참고)
(I'm) sure Don't worry about the exam. I'm sure you'll pass.
(I) think Do you think Sarah will like the present we bought her?
(I) don't think don't think the exam will be very difficult.
I wonder I wonder what will happen.


After I hope, we generally use the present (will is also possible):

  • I hope Kate passes the exam.  (or  I hope Kate will pass ...)
  • I hope it doesn't rain tomorrow.




Generally we use will to talk about the future, but sometimes we use will to talk about now. For example:

  • Don't phone Ann now. She'll be busy. (= she'll be busy now )




I shall ... we shall ...



Normally we use shall only with and we. You can say:

I shall  or  I will (I'll)
we shall  or  we will (we'll)

  • I shall be late this evening.  (or  I will be)
  • We shall probably go to France in June.  (or  We will probably go)


In spoken English we normally use I'll and we'll:

  • We'll probably go to France.


The negative of shall is shall not or shan't:

  • shan't be here tomorrow.  (or  I won't be)


Do not use shall with he/she/it/you/they:

  • She will be very angry. (not She shall be)





 (American English -> Appendix 7) 




Will or shall can be used with I/we:
  • I will/shall be late this evening.

Shall is unusual:
  • will be late this evening.




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