
out = not burning, not shining


go out  Suddenly all the lights in the building went out.
put out a fire / a cigarette / a light  We managed to put the fire out.
turn out a light  I turned the lights out before leaving.
blow out a candle  We don't need the candle. You can blow it out.




work out



work out = do physical exercises
  • Rachel works out at the gym three times a week.



work out = develop, progress
  • Good luck for the future. I hope everything works out well for you.
  • A: Why did James leave the company?
    B: Things didn't work out. (= things didn't work out well)



work out (for mathematical calculations)
  • The total bill for three people is £84.60. That works out at £28.20 each.



work something out = calculate, think about a problem and find the answer
  • 345 x 76? I need to do this on paper. I can't work it out in my head.




Other verbs out



carry out an order, an experiment, a survey, an investigation, a plan etc.
  • Soldiers are expected to carry out orders.
  • An investigation into the accident will be carried out as soon as possible.



fall out (with somebody) = stop being friends
  • They used to be very good friends. I'm surprised to hear that they have fallen out.
  • David fell out with his father and left home.



find out that/what/when ... etc., find out about something = get information
  • The police never found out who committed the murder.
  • I just found out that it's Helen's birthday today.
  • I checked a few websites to find out about hotels in the town.



give/ hand things out = give to each person
  • At the end of the lecture, the speaker gave out information sheets to the audience.



point something out (to somebody) = draw attention to something
  • As we drove through the city, our guide pointed out all the sights. (명소)
  • I didn't realise I'd made a mistake until somebody pointed it out to me.



run out (of something)
  • We ran out of petrol on the motorway. (= we used all our petrol)



sort something out = find a solution to, put in order
  • There are a few problems we need to sort out.
  • All these papers are mixed up. I'll have to sort them out.



turn out to be ...turn out good/nice etc. , turn out that ...
  • Nobody believed Paul at first, but he turned out to be right. (= it became clear in the end that he was right)
  • The weather wasn't so good in the morning, but it turned out nice later.
  • I thought they knew each other, but it turned out that they'd never met.



try out a machine, a system, a new idea etc. = test it to see if it is OK
  • The company is trying out a new computer system at the moment.








survey : sur(=super) + vey(=look), 살펴보다 (조사하다, 측량하다) / 살펴봄 (조사, 측량 등)




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